Important Dates

Academy of  Dance – Cameron Academy of Classical Dance in Langley BC offers dance instruction specializing in Ballet, cialis buy viagra with graduates working Internationally. Owner Deborah Cameron A.R.A.D. RTS has mentored students and teachers throughout her career and proudly mentored her daughter Kelly Bennis in the RAD Certificate of Ballet Teaching Studies teachers’ program.  The youngest division is the 3-4 year old Baby Ballerinas and Danseur program followed by The Royal Academy of Dance syllabus training from Pre-Primary to Advance 2 levels

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.  Modern classes are also offered to provide well rounded training for today’s Ballet companies.

Look at our posts for news on Dancers to Watch.

 26th Season of Cameron Academy at a Glance 2014/2015 

August 29
 Mail out sent for new season
Sept  Studio opens for 2014-2015 Season
Nov 3-8 Welcome Parents’ Observation Week
Nov 8 Graded Exams (Pre-Prim, buy cialis Prim, Gr 1-5) entry forms into office for eligible students
Nov 11 Studio Open
Nov 15 Deposit Quarterly Fees, VGE Deadline for Spring session
Dec 22 Studio Closed for Christmas Holidays
Jan 3 Studio Re-opens
Jan 18 1st Mock Class Awards and Exam Performance for eligible students
Feb 1 Deposit Quarterly Fees
Feb 2-7 Welcome Parents Observation Week
Feb 9 Studio Open – Family Day
Feb 11-Mar 13 VGE Exam Session BC – TBA our dates
Feb 15 Dress Rehearsal (Langley Fine Arts School)
Feb 22 Final Mock Class Awards and Exam Performance

Mar 1-8 Peak Festival, Bell Centre Surrey (All Divisions)
Mar 8-9 GE Examination Sessions
Mar 16-28 Studio Closed (Spring Break)
Mar 30-Apr 4 No Observation Week

Apr 3-6 Easter Weekend – Studio Open except Easter Sunday
Apr 13-18 Parents’ Observation Week
Apr 15 Deposit Quarterly Fees
Apr 22-26 Shine Festival, Clarke Theatre Mission (All Divisions)

May 3 Picture Day, Registration Day
May 5-10 Dance Power Festival, Michael J. Fox Theatre Burnaby (All Divisions)
May 10-13 Festival du Ballet, Surrey Arts Centre Surrey (Ballet & Modern/Contemporary Divisions)
May 15-17 5678 Showtime Festival, Whistler (Modern Group Divisions, select solos, duos, trios)
May 18 Studio Open – Victoria Day
May 24 Saturday Schedule, extra day due to show

June 5 Dress Rehearsal, 3:30pm-10:00pm at Surrey Arts Centre – Schedule posted on Information Board
June 6 Year End Show (two performances)
June 13 DVD & BluRay Order Forms Due
June 14 Season ClosesJuly 2015 Children’s Summer Dance Camps TBA
Aug 10-13 Children’s Summer Dance Camps
Aug 17-21 Grades Summer School, GVE Summer School (9:00am-5:00pm)
Aug 29 Mail-out sent for New 2015 Season