Frozen Dance Camp at

Frozen Dance Camp at Cameron Academy  in Langley is on this week!!  

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cialis sales sick ‘Avant Garde'; color: #0000ff; font-size: 24pt;”>If you missed it enroll in the Aug 4 – 7 camp.

Frozen  Dance Camp 1
Dance Camp at Cameron Dance Academy
Frozen Dance Camp 2
2014 participants

Fun Dancing, decease Crafts, Music and delicious snacks…

Join our Cameron Dance Academy for our 2nd annual Camp based on the “Frozen Theme”.  Cameron Dance Academy has the mandate to “Teach a Love of Dance that Lasts a Lifetime!” See why parents are raving about the camp! Enroll by sending us an email on our contact page.

August 4- 7th
Ages 3-5
10:00am -12:00am

Ages 6-9
12:00am -2:00pm
$90.00 per camp