Register September 2015 Classes

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Register Classical training, Pre-school to Professional.
Register for Ballet and other genres at Cameron Dance Academy Student Lena Lee performing .


Cameron Dance Academy classes for Ballet, Modern-Lyrical, Jazz, Acro and Tap

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Register now to secure a placement in our dance classes and join our family of dancers as we “Teach the Love of dance that lasts a Lifetime.”
The New Season commences

Saturday, September 12th, 2015. 

To register in a class Dance placement for new students is completed through an audition appointment except for the Baby Ballerina and Danseur 1 & 2 levels.  To register, call the office at 604-530-2106 or email or our NEW WEBSITE:


The registration fee for the 2015-2016 season will be due with the registration.

We look forward to assisting you with the placement of your child or yourself for our classes for the upcoming season.

Senior Modern Class performing “Don’t Give Up.”